2008 Woman of the Year - Sherry Dianne Heck, President IUE-CWA 82167

2008 Woman of the Year

Sherry Diane Heck was born June 12, 1964 in Roanoke, Virginia to the late Walter O. Heck and Joyce Brooks. She has one sister Lori Cox and two brothers Walter Heck Jr. and the late David (Herk) Heck. She is blessed with a son; Brandon S. Heck. She enjoys spending time with ner nieces and nephews Alex, Jacob, Evan and Michelle and never forgets about her nephew Daniel. She currently resides in Thaxton, Virginia.

Sherry started working at Virginia Transformer in January 1996. In 1998, she helped in organizing workers to understand a collective bargaining agreement could improve their workplace. In 1999, the vorkers of Virginia Transformer also became known as the members to IUE Local 167, now known as IUE-CWA, Local 82167.

Sherry presently holds the office of President and has held this position for the last eight years. She has been a delegate to the Roanoke United Central Labor Council for the last eight years, and a delegate to the Virginia AFL-CIC where she served on the Constitutional Committee at the 2006 Virginia AFL-CIO convention. Sherry has served on the Contract Negotiation team of Local 82167, where she has participated in all three contract negotiations.

She has spent numerous hours in union related training classes. She volunteers to get political candidates elected that will benefit all workers and their families. This year she will work extensively on the Presidential campaign.

She is one of two women that work on the shop floor and enjoys every challenge that comes her way. Most of her time is given to her local, and she is so proud of all of their accomplishments.