2011 Woman of the Year - Margie Brotherton, APWU 482

2011 Woman of the Year

Marjorie "Margie" Brotherton was born and raised in Rockbridge County and currently resides in Salem, Virginia. She is blessed to have had six daughters: Susan Clark, Kim Smith, Moriah Horn, Abigail Brotherton, Eryn Lester and Kori Dingman, as well as 10 grandchildren.

Margie started working with the United States Postal Service in 1982. This was her first union job. After her divorce in 1992, she became involved with her local union, APWU 482. She became the local coordinator for POWER (Post Office Women for Equal Rights) and a steward. From that, she became the CLUW chapter president and then the recording secretary for the Western Virginia Labor Federation. After 28 years, she now holds the office of the state president for CLUW, as well as the legislative director for Roanoke local 482, the director of legislation for the Virginia Postal Workers Union and she is the Health Plan representative is for her local.

Among all these positions she holds, her favorites are mom ana nana. Family comes first for Margie and active in the lives of her children and grandchildren. No matter how busy her other positions may keep her, she always finds time to check in with them every day. She is a positive role model and a very influential part of their lives.

Margie was raised in a time where was difficult for women to be treated it fairly in the work force. Being a mother to six girls, she became very interested in taking a stand against these injustices so that her children and grandchildren would have a better chance at the future she wanted for them. She joined several organizations in order to promote the cause and make her voice heard. Today her children are grown and their success can be partially attributed to the efforts Margie has made throughout her life.