2011 Man of the Year - Chuck Simpson, President CWA 2204

2011 Man of the Year

President Communication Workers of America Local 2204

I grew up in Floyd County, VA in a loving home with my father who owned family General Mercantile store and was very politically active along with my mother who was extremely involved in community service with my 3 older siblings. I have been married to my wife Kelly for 11 years but she has tolerated me and been my best friend in our relationship for the past 15 years. I am the proud Dad of our son Dustyn and soon to be the father in law to his fiancée Kendra. Kelly and I are the proud "YaYa" and "DooDah" to our adorable grandchildren Eli and Evie, who give us a new lease on life. Family is what makes us the person we are and gives us the motivation and heart to do what we do. With the family I grew up in and the family I have now both are and always will be my purpose and vision for my work in the Labor Movement.

I joined CWA Local 2204 when I went to work for C&P Telephone Company in September of 1993 as a Service Representative in the Residential Service Center.

I served as Union Representative for the RSC work group, Roanoke Area Vice-President and am currently serving as President of Local 2204.

I have been active with the Virginia AFL-CIO and the Western Area Labor Federation for over 10 years and have served as chair of the Local 2204 Legislative Committee for the past 6 years. I am currently serving as Vice President of the Virginia CWA State Council and am a proud member of Western Virginia Chapter of CLUW.

Organized Labor and CWA have been very good to me. The least I can do is help further our cause and share that goodness with others

Solidarity Forever!!!!!