2009 Man of the Year -
Dean Lugar, IUE-CWA 82162
Dean’s union career started in 1978 at Roanoke Iron and Bridge Works of Troutville VA the Company went to Botetourt Vocational School and hired every senior in the welding and machine shop class. As soon as his probation was up, he joined the union and then filled a vacancy as shop steward, thus beginning his union involvement.
After a hitch in the Navy, Dean was employed by ITT Night vision where he joined IUE-CWA Local 82162. Over the years he has held the positions of Shop Steward, Vice President, and Vice President of the Virginia CWA State Council and has been the chair of four different committees, and an active member of three other committees.
In 2007 he was appointed as Virginia Congressional District 6 Coordinator for the CWA. In this position he was tasked with training members at large on the need for healthcare reform and the Employee Free Choice Act. These training sessions were six hour seminars held all over Southwest Virginia.
In 2008 CWA selected him to be one of the CWA members of the joint project between the Steelworkers, Autoworkers, and the CWA to get Barack Obama elected as President. This project enabled Dean to get to know union members from his own International and other Internationals that he would never been able to meet otherwise. Many friendships that will be long lasting were formed in this time.
In 2009 the CWA formed the LPAT (Legislative Political Action Teams) Program. Dean was selected to be the LPAT coordinator for the 6th congressional District in Virginia. His LPAT Team currently has 16 members from three locals. The team is tasked with getting members involved with political actions to help move Virginia and the United States forward on legislation that impacts working men and women.
Dean and his Darling Bride Kelly have been married 12 years, and in their spare time they love to go canoeing, camping and spending time with their 2 little babies Nemo and Dori (Shiht zu’s).