2016 Woman of the Year - Earleen Miller, UAW 2069

2016 Woman of the Year -

Earleen was born in 1957 in Munich, Germany. She is a graduate of Pulaski County High School.  She attended New River Community College and later transferred to National Business College.  She has always been business oriented. 

Her Union career started in 1999 when she was hired by Volvo and joined the UAW Local 2069 Union.She has been a devout and very active union member. Currently, she is Vice Chair of the Educatin Committee and Chair of the CAP Committee for UAW Local 2069. In addition to being a dedicated Union member, she is also committed to her own community. She served as a member on the Board of Pulaski County Community Action for five years.She is a lay leader, youth leader and worship team member for her church. She is currently Vice President of the Western Virginia Labor Federation, President of the Coalition of Labor Union Women,Western Virginia Chapter and Sanctuary for Pulaski County NAACP Chapter 7111.

Earleen is the proud mother of three amazing daughters, Courtney Bratcher, a teacher in Greensboro, NC.; Calandra Quarles, a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine in West Chester, OH; and Phoenix Miller, a foster care social worker in King George, VA. She is also a very proud grandmother of two outstanding grand daughters, Kennedy James and Lillian Quarles and has one on the way. 

Earleen will always be a proud Union member. 

The basic goal of labor will not change. It is -as it has always been, and I am sure always will be, "to better the standards of life for all who work for wages and to seek decency, justice and dignity for all Americans." -George Meany