2014 Woman of the Year - Naomi Bolden, Area Vice President CWA 2204
In my younger years I grew up in Newport News, VA in a loving home my father was steelworker for the Newport News shipyard. My parents had to take on raising three little girls at a young age with only high school educations. Later we moved and my dad worked for Westvaco in Covington VA & my mom for UPS as a truck driver. I know you see the trend here – I was raised Union and I am Union proud. I am the middle child of three sisters. Through my parents love and struggle I learned you have to fight hard to maintain jobs and education is key to success. We grew older and all went off to college so did my dad he is now a RN for VA Hospital. I have been married to my high school sweet heart for 14 years and been happily together for 24 years. I have two beautiful children Brionna (19) and Gavano (13) they keep me busy and the main reason I fight for the future of Human, Civil, and Labor rights.
I joined CWA Local 2204 when I went to work for Verizon no questions asked when I walked through door I said hand me a card. I immediately became and steward and started the political fight as well. I have always been involved in the political aspect before becoming an officer of CWA. I served as Union Representative for CSSC work group, Roanoke Area Vice President. I have been active with the Virginia AFL-CIO and Western Area Labor Federation for over 8 years, served as Chair of Local 2204 Legislative committee, and State Coordinator for CWA.
Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable . . . Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals . . . MLK